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陆强 教授/博导




陆强,1982年生,江苏江阴人,中共党员,博士,华北电力大学教授,博士研究生导师,新能源学院副院长,北京市科技新星,国家级高层次人才。于2001-2010年在中国科学技术大学完成了本硕博的学习,获得热能工程工学博士学位;于2010年至今在华北电力大学历任讲师、副教授和教授;2016-2021年在生物质发电成套设备国家工程实验室历任副主任和主任;2021年至今在新能源发电国家工程研究中心担任主任。《IET Renewable Power Generation》专题主编(Subject Editor)和副编辑(Associate Editor)、《Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis》编委和客座编辑、《Science of the Total Environment》客座编辑、IEEE PES能源发展与发电技术委员会(中国)碳中和技术分委会常务理事,中国可再生能源学会青年工作委员会、综合系统专委会及生物质能专业委员会委员等。先后主持了国家、省部级和企业委托项目40余项。已发表论文200余篇,其中SCI论文100余篇(第一或通讯作者80余篇);授权发明专利60余项,其中以第一发明人授权30余项,有10项专利获得实施许可或转让。主编中文著作3部,参编英文著作1部;参编1项IEEE国际标准。获得2023年度第48届日内瓦国际发明展金奖、2021年度北京市高等教育教学成果奖一等奖、2021年度第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛全国银奖指导教师、2020年度中国发明协会发明创业奖创新奖一等奖、2020年度中国电力优秀青年科技人才奖、2020年度中国可再生能源学会优秀青年科技人才奖、2018年度教育部科技进步一等奖(第2完成人)、2016年度教育部科技进步一等奖(第3完成人)、2018年度安徽省科技进步二等奖(第3完成人)、2013年度中国电力科技技术进步二等奖(第6完成人)等奖励。自主研发的多源生物质和有机固废分质热解多联产关键技术及装备、平板式多温区多功能SCR脱硝催化剂和脱硝技术等均已经实现了规模化应用:作为技术主研人之一研发的“生物质电站安全高效发电关键技术”已经在国内多家生物质电站成功应用,创造了显著的经济与社会效益。作为技术主研人研发的烟气脱硝技术——多温区系列化平板式SCR脱硝催化剂,形成了国内唯一具有自主知识产权的成套技术,已由华北电力大学科技园企业进行了大规模推广应用。


1. 国家重点研发计划子课题:燃煤过程中砷、硒、铅等重金属的控制技术(2018YFB0605103). 2018.05-2021.05.

2. 霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师基金:生物质选择性热解制备高附加值单酚类衍生物的基础研究(161051). 2018.03-2021.03.

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:生物质快速催化热解选择性制备高附加值酚类衍生物的基础研究(51576064). 2016.01-2019.12.

4. 科技部国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)子课题:生物质热解稳定制备生物油及提质新技术(2012AA051803). 2012.01-2014.12.

5. 国家自然科学青年基金:中低温条件下纤维素快速热解机理与调控机制研究(51106052). 2012.01-2014.12.

6. 北京市重大科技成果转化落地培育专项项目:生活垃圾热解处理系统技术研究(Z141100003514030). 2014.01-2015.12.

7. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目:固体碱催化热解生物质选择性制备酚类物质的机理与调控研究(3172030). 2017.01-2019.12.

8. 中央在京高校共建项目:燃煤电厂烟气脱硝催化剂寿命管理与故障诊断研究. 2017.05-2017.12.

9. 北京华电光大环境股份有限公司委托项目:平板式SCR脱硝催化剂技术. 2017.01-2020.12.


[1] Qiang Lu*, Ze-xiang Wang, Hao-qiang Guo, Kai Li, Zhen-xi Zhang, Min-shu Cui, Yong-ping Yang. Selective preparation of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from ex-situ catalytic fast pyrolysis of pine over Ti(SO4)2-Mo2N/HZSM-5 catalyst. Fuel, 2019, 243: 88-96.

[2] Bin Hu, Qiang Lu*, Xiao-yan Jiang, Ji Liu, Min-shu Cui, Chang-qing Dong, Yong-ping Yang. Formation mechanism of hydroxyacetone in glucose pyrolysis: A combined experimental and theoretical study. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37: 2741-2748.

[3] Bin Hu, Qiang Lu*, Yu-ting Wu, Ji Liu, Kai Li, Chang-qing Dong, Yong-ping Yang. Interaction between acetic acid and glycerol: A model for secondary reactions during holocellulose pyrolysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2019, 123: 674-681.

[4] Ying Zhang*, Zi-guo Yuan, Bin Hu, Jin Deng, Qian Yao, Xin Zhang, Xiao-hao Liu, Yao Fu, Qiang Lu*. Direct conversion of cellulose and raw biomass to acetonitrile by catalytic fast pyrolysis in ammonia. Green Chemistry, 2019, 21: 812-820.

[5] Qiang Lu*, Bin Hu, Zhen-xi Zhang, Yu-ting Wu, Min-shu Cui, Ding-jia Liu, Chang-qing Dong, Yong-ping Yang. Mechanism of cellulose fast pyrolysis: The role of characteristic chain ends and dehydrated units. Combustion and Flame, 2018, 198: 267-277.

[6] Qiang Lu*, Min-xing Zhou, Wen-tao Li, Xin Wang, Min-shu Cui, Yong-ping Yang. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass with noble metal-like catalysts to produce high-grade bio-oil: Analytical Py-GC/MS study. Catalysis Today, 2018, 302: 169-179.

[7] Qiang Lu*, Hao-qiang Guo, Min-xing Zhou, Zhen-xi Zhang, Min-shu Cui, Yuan-yuan Zhang, Yong-ping Yang, Lai-bao Zhang. Monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons production from catalytic cracking of pine wood-derived pyrolytic vapors over Ce-Mo2N/HZSM-5 catalyst. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 634: 141-149.

[8] Qiang Lu*, Xiao-ning Ye, Zhen-xi Zhang, Ze-xiang Wang, Min-shu Cui, Yong-ping Yang. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse using activated carbon catalyst in a hydrogen atmosphere to selectively produce 4-ethyl phenol. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2018, 136: 125-131.

[9] Qiang Lu*, Hao-qiang Guo, Min-xing Zhou, Min-shu Cui, Chang-qing Dong, Yong-ping Yang. Selective preparation of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from catalytic cracking of biomass fast pyrolysis vapors over Mo2N/HZSM-5 catalyst. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 173: 134-142.

[10] Qiang Lu*, Zhen-xi Zhang, Xin Wang, Hao-qiang Guo, Min-shu Cui, Yong-ping Yang. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass impregnated with potassium phosphate in a hydrogen atmosphere for the production of phenol and activated carbon. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6: 32.

[11] Xiao-yan Jiang, Qiang Lu*, Bin Hu, Ji Liu, Chang-qing Dong*, Yong-ping Yang. Intermolecular interaction mechanism of lignin pyrolysis: A joint theoretical and experimental study. Fuel, 2018, 215: 386-394.

[12] Bin Hu, Qiang Lu*, Yu-ting Wu, Zhen-xi Zhang, Min-shu Cui, Ding-jia Liu, Chang-qing Dong, Yong-ping Yang. Catalytic mechanism of sulfuric acid in cellulose pyrolysis: A combined experimental and computational investigation. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2018, 134: 183-194.

[13] Bin Hu, Qiang Lu*, Xiao-yan Jiang, Xiao-chen Dong, Min-shu Cui, Chang-qing Dong, Yong-ping Yang.Pyrolysis mechanism of glucose and mannose: The formation of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural and furfural. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2018, 27: 486-501.

[14] Ji Liu, Qiang Lu*, Xiao-yan Jiang, Bin Hu, Xiao-lei Zhang*, Chang-qing Dong, Yong-ping Yang. Theoretical investigation of the formation mechanism of NH3 and HCN during pyrrole pyrolysis: the effect of H2O. Molecules, 2018, 23(4), 711.

[15] Tahir Iqbal, Chang-qing Dong, Qiang Lu*, Zulfiqar Ali, Idris Khan, Zafar Hussain, Adnan Abbas.Sketching Pakistan’s energy dynamics: Prospects of biomass energy. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2018, 10(2), 023101.

[16] Li Zhao, Yang-wen Wu, Jian Han, Qiang Lu*, Yong-ping Yang, Lai-bao Zhang. Mechanism of mercury adsorption and oxidation by oxygen over the CeO2(111) surface: A DFT study. Materials, 2018, 11(4), 485.

[17] Li Zhao, Yu Liu, Yang-wen Wu, Jian Han, Song-lin Zhang, Qiang Lu*, Yong-ping Yang. Mechanism of heterogeneous mercury oxidation by HCl on V2O5(001) surface. Current Applied Physics, 2018, 18(6): 626-632.

[18] Qiang Lu*, Zhi-bo Zhang, Xiao-ning Ye, Wen-tao Li, Bin Hu, Chang-qing Dong, Yong-ping Yang. Selective production of 4-ethyl guaiacol from catalytic fast pyrolysis of softwood biomass using Pd/SBA-15 catalyst. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2017, 123: 237-243.

[19] Xiao-ning Ye, Qiang Lu*, Xin Wang, Hao-qiang Guo, Min-shu Cui, Chang-qing Dong*, Yong-ping Yang. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of cellulose and biomass to selectively produce levoglucosenone using activated carbon catalyst. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5(11): 10815-10825.

[20] Bin Hu, Qiang Lu*, Xiao-yan Jiang, Xiao-chen Dong, Min-shu Cui, Chang-qing Dong, Yong-ping Yang. Insight into the formation of anhydrosugars in glucose pyrolysis: a joint computational and experimental investigation. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(8): 8291-8299.

[21] Xiao-yan Jiang, Qiang Lu*, Bin Hu, Ji Liu, Chang-qing Dong, Yong-ping Yang. A comprehensive study on pyrolysis mechanism of substituted β-O-4 type lignin dimers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2017, 18(11): 2364.

[22] Xiao-ning Ye, Qiang Lu*, Xiao-yan Jiang, Xian-hua Wang*, Bin Hu, Wen-tao Li, Chang-qing Dong. Interaction characteristics and mechanism in the fast co-pyrolysis of cellulose and lignin model compounds: A joint experimental and theoretical study. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2017, 130(2): 975-984.

[23] Qiang Lu*, Xiao-ning Ye, Zhi-bo Zhang, Min-shu Cui, Hao-qiang Guo, Wei Qi*, Chang-qing Dong, Yong-ping Yang. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of bagasse using activated carbon catalyst to selectively produce 4-ethyl phenol. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(12): 10618-10626.

[24] Qiang Lu*, Hui-yun Tian, Bin Hu, Xiao-yan Jiang, Chang-qing Dong, Yong-ping Yang. Pyrolysis mechanism of holocellulose-based monosaccharides: The formation of hydroxyacetaldehyde. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2016, 120: 15-26.

[25] Xiao-ning Ye, Qiang Lu*, Wen-tao Li, Pan Gao, Bin Hu, Zhi-bo Zhang, Chang-qing Dong. Selective production of nicotyrine from catalytic fast pyrolysis of tobacco biomass with Pd/C catalyst. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2016, 117: 88-93.

[26] Jun-jiao Zhang, Xiao-yan Jiang, Xiao-ning Ye, Lei Chen, Qiang Lu*, Xian-hua Wang, Chang-qing Dong*. Pyrolysis mechanism of a β-O-4 type lignin dimer model compound: A joint theoretical and experimental study. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016, 123(1): 501-510.

[27] Zhi-bo Zhang, Qiang Lu*, Xiao-ning Ye, Wen-tao Li, Bin Hu, Chang-qing Dong*. Production of phenolic-rich bio-oil from catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass using magnetic solid base catalyst. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 106: 1309-1317.

[28] Zhi-bo Zhang, Qiang Lu*, Xiao-ning Ye, Ti-peng Wang, Xian-hua Wang, Chang-qing Dong. Selective production of levoglucosenone from catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass mechanically mixed with solid phosphoric acid catalysts. BioEnergy Research, 2015, 8(3): 1263-1274.

[29] Zhi-bo Zhang, Qiang Lu*, Xiao-ning Ye, Wen-tao Li, Ying Zhang, Chang-qing Dong*. Selective production of 4-ethyl phenol from low-temperature catalytic fast pyrolysis of herbaceous biomass. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2015, 115: 307-315.

[30] Jun Tao*, Qiang Lu*, Chang-qing Dong, Xiao-ze Du, Erik Dahlquist. Effects of electric current upon catalytic steam reforming of biomass gasification tar model compounds to syngas. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 100: 56-63.

[31] Jun Tao, Chang-qing Dong*, Qiang Lu*, Hang-tao Liao, Xiao-ze Du, Yong-ping Yang, Erik Dahlquist. Catalytic cracking of biomass high-temperature pyrolysis tar using NiO/AC catalysts. International Journal of Green Energy, 2015, 12(8): 773-779.

[32] Lei Chen, Xian-hua Wang*, Hai-ping Yang, Qiang Lu*, Di Li, Qing Yang, Han-ping Chen. Study on pyrolysis behaviors of non-woody lignins with TG-FTIR and Py-GC/MS. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2015, 113: 499-507.

[33] Lei Chen, Xiao-ning Ye, Fei-xian Luo, Jing-ai Shao*, Qiang Lu*, Yang Fang, Xian-hua Wang, Han-ping Chen. Pyrolysis mechanism of β-O-4 type lignin model dimer. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2015, 115: 103-111.

[34] Qiang Lu*, Xiao-ning Ye, Zhi-bo Zhang, Chang-qing Dong, Ying Zhang. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of cellulose and biomass to produce levoglucosenone using magnetic SO42-/TiO2-Fe3O4. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 171: 10-15.

[35] Qiang Lu*, Yang Zhang, Chang-qing Dong, Yong-ping Yang, Hai-zhu Yu*. The mechanism for the formation of levoglucosenone during pyrolysis of β-d-glucopyranose and cellobiose: A density functional theory study. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2014, 110: 34-43.

[36] Qiang Lu*, Zhi-bo Zhang, Xiao-chu Yang, Chang-qing Dong, Xi-feng Zhu. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass impregnated with K3PO4 to produce phenolic compounds: Analytical Py-GC/MS study. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2013, 104: 139-145.

[37] Yan-chao Qu, Wang Zhi, Qiang Lu*, Ying Zhang*. Selective producing 4-vinyl phenol by fast pyrolysis of herbaceous biomass. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(36): 12771-12776.

[38] Chang-qing Dong*, Zhi-fei Zhang, Qiang Lu*, Yong-ping Yang. Characteristics and mechanism study of analytical fast pyrolysis of poplar wood. Energy Conversion and Management, 2012, 57: 49-59.

[39] Qiang Lu*, Xiao-chu Yang, Chang-qing Dong, Zhi-fei Zhang, Xu-ming Zhang, Xi-feng Zhu. Influence of pyrolysis temperature and time on the cellulose fast pyrolysis products: Analytical Py-GC/MS study. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2011, 92(2): 430-438.

[40] Qiang Lu*, Zhi Wang, Chang-qing Dong, Zhi-fei Zhang, Ying Zhang, Yong-ping Yang, Xi-feng Zhu. Selective fast pyrolysis of biomass impregnated with ZnCl2 : Furfural production together with acetic acid and activated carbon as by-products. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2011, 91(1): 273-279.

[41] Qiang Lu*, Chang-qing Dong, Xu-ming Zhang, Hui-yun Tian, Yong-ping Yang, Xi-feng Zhu. Selective fast pyrolysis of biomass impregnated with ZnCl2 to produce furfural: Analytical Py-GC/MS study. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2011, 90(2): 204-212.

[42] Qiang Lu, Zhe Tang, Ying Zhang*, Xi-feng Zhu*. Catalytic upgrading of biomass fast pyrolysis vapors with Pd/SBA-15 catalysts. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2010, 49(6): 2573-2580.

[43] Qiang Lu, Ying Zhang, Zhe Tang, Wen-zhi Li, Xi-feng Zhu*. Catalytic upgrading of biomass fast pyrolysis vapors with titania and zirconia/titania based catalysts. Fuel, 2010, 89(8): 2096-2103.

[44] Qiang Lu#, Wan-ming Xiong#, Wen-zhi Li, Qing-xiang Guo, Xi-feng Zhu*. Catalytic pyrolysis of cellulose with sulfated metal oxides: A promising method for obtaining high yield of light furan compounds. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100(20): 4871-4876.

[45] Qiang Lu, Wen-zhi Li, Dong Zhang, Xi-feng Zhu*. Analytical Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) of sawdust with Al/SBA-15 catalysts. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2009, 84(2):131-138.

[46] Qiang Lu, Wen-zhi Li, Xi-feng Zhu*. Overview of fuel properties of biomass fast pyrolysis oils. Energy Conversion and Management. 2009, 50(5):1376-1383.

[47] Qiang Lu, Xi-feng Zhu*, Wen-zhi Li, Ying Zhang, Deng-yu Chen. On-line catalytic upgrading of biomass fast pyrolysis products. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(11): 1941-1948.

[48] Qiang Lu, Xu-lai Yang, Xi-feng Zhu*. Analysis on chemical and physical properties of bio-oil pyrolyzed from rice husk. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2008, 82(2):191-198.

[49] Qiang Lu, Jian Zhang, Xi-feng Zhu*. Corrosion properties of bio-oil and its emulsions with diesel. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(23): 3726-3734.

[50] Qiang Lu, Xi-feng Zhu, Quan-xin Li, Qing-xiang Guo, Qing-shi Zhu*. Biomass fast pyrolysis for liquid fuels. Progress in Chemistry, 2007, 19(7-8):1064-1071.


[1] 陆强,周民星,胡斌,王昕,侯悦,郭浩强,李文涛. 生物质快速热解气催化转化制备高品位液体燃料的方法,201610875092.7,CN106433807B.

[2] 陆强, 李文涛, 周民星, 胡斌, 王昕, 郭浩强. 一种生物质热解气催化裂解制备BTX的方法,201610700608.4,CN106244184B.

[3] 陆强, 李文涛, 胡斌, 周民星, 王昕, 郭浩强. 一种生物质催化热解制备BTX的方法,201610700926.0,CN106244185B.

[4] 陆强, 李文涛, 叶小宁, 周民星, 胡斌, 董长青. 一种生物质催化热解制备高品位液体燃料的方法,201610700947.2,CN106318477B.

[5] 陆强,马帅,董长青,仇志超,蔺卓玮,唐昊. 一种甲烷催化还原NOx的工艺和催化剂,201610268637.8,CN105797577B.

[6] 陆强,叶小宁,李文涛,胡斌,王昕,董长青. 一种香樟叶催化热解制备樟脑的方法,201610125894.6,CN105669411B.

[7] 陆强,黎方潜,蔺卓玮,唐昊,马帅,董长青. 一种平板式抗硫低温SCR脱硝催化剂及其制备方法,201510772481.2,CN105289644B.

[8] 陆强,胡斌,叶小宁,李文涛,王昕,董长青. 一种垃圾热解装置与方法,201510772390.9,CN105385465B.

[9] 陆强,张智博,陈晨,李文涛,董长青,张芸. 一种生物质催化热解制备异丁香酚的方法,201410811548.4,CN104447235B.

[10] 陆强,张智博,陈晨,李文涛,董长青,张芸,檀勤良. 一种生物质催化热解制备4-乙基苯酚的方法,201410558325.1,CN104341273B.

[11] 陆强,叶小宁,陈晨,李文涛,董长青,孙帅,檀勤良. 一种烟草催化热解制备二烯烟碱的方法,201410558324.7,CN104370879B.

[12] 陆强,陈晨,张阳,董长青,杨勇平. 一种回收废旧SCR脱硝催化剂中五氧化二钒成分的方法,201410471988.X,CN104195342B.

[13] 陆强, 田伟强, 董长青, 张芸, 杨勇平. 一种新型石灰石-石膏湿法烟气脱硫添加剂 201410112264.6,CN104941428B.

[14] 陆强, 张智博, 叶小宁, 董长青. 一种生物质催化热解制备苯酚的方法 201410019408.3,CN103755528B.

[15] 陆强, 张智博, 叶小宁, 董长青. 一种纤维素/生物质催化热解制备LAC的方法,201410019922.7,CN103755717B.

[16] 陆强,张俊姣,叶小宁,董长青,杨勇平. 一种玉米秆多级热解联产5-羟甲基糠醛、4-乙烯基苯酚和生物油的方法,201310204271.4,CN103265506B.

[17] 陆强,廖航涛,张俊姣,董长青. 一种生物质热解气化与焦油催化裂解的装置与方法,201310086428.8,CN103146432B.

[18] 陆强,张智博,董长青,杨勇平. 一种制备左旋葡萄糖酮的方法,201210310970.2,CN102816187B.

[19] 陆强,张智博,董长青,杨勇平. 一种利用焦炭催化热解生物质制备酚类有机混合物的方法,201210310261.4,CN102838453B.

[20] 陆强,张智博,董长青,杨勇平. 利用磁性锆基催化剂催化热解生物质制备液体燃料的方法,201210144324.3,CN102660312B.

[21] 陆强,董长青,杨勇平,胡笑颖. 利用磁性钛基催化剂催化热解生物质制备液体燃料的方法,201210144320.5,CN102660311B.

[22] 陆强,田慧云,杨勇平. 利用有序介孔ZrO2基催化剂制备生物质基液体燃料的方法,201210110539.3 ,CN102660309B.

[23] 陆强,董长青,杨勇平. 利用有序介孔TiO2基催化剂制备生物质基液体燃料的方法,201210110479.5,CN102660308B.

[24] 陆强,董长青,张智博,杨勇平. 利用介孔二氧化硅空心球基催化剂制备液体燃料的方法,201210110157.0,CN102634357B.

[25] 陆强,田慧云,董长青,杨勇平. 利用磁性固体磷酸催化剂制备左旋葡萄糖酮的方法,201110430778.2,CN102516322B.

[26] 陆强,田慧云,董长青,杨勇平. 利用固体磷酸催化热解纤维素制备左旋葡萄糖酮的方法,201110430742.4,CN102532206B.

[27] 陆强,董长青,苏淑华,杨勇平. 基于介孔TiO2载体的SCR烟气脱硝催化剂及制备方法,201110158203.X,CN102274723B.

[28] 陆强,苏淑华,董长青,杨勇平. 基于硫酸根促进的TiO2载体的SCR烟气脱硝催化剂及制备方法,201110158202.5,CN102259009B.

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